Move ... Created for the use of Sport Fund

Move is a unique program designed to enhance the learning for physical development and active play in Early Years. 

Supporting Physical as a Prime Area in the new EYFS, Move provides children with a varied range of enjoyable movement experiences, developing skills, confidence, competence and self-esteem.

Move emphasises the importance of learning through activity, the themed sessions have been designed to provide learning opportunities from other curriculum areas such as literacy, numeracy, communication, expressive art, understanding the world and enhances social skills.

Move recognises the lack of CPD opportunities for Physical Development. The program therefore a staff training session, observation of modelled activities and the opportunity to team teaching alongside a movement specialist. The training aspect of Move will ensure that high quality provision is sustainable.

Outcomes for Children:
  • Enjoyment of moving.
  • Development of positive attitudes towards physical activity
  • Increased confidence and competence in moving.
  • Development of basic skills through a wide range of movement experiences.
  • Understanding of importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Opportunity to communicate and express themselves through creative movement.
  • Development of communication skills through talking about movement, sharing ideas and listening to others.
  • Learning kinaesthetically other areas of the curriculum such as number.
  • Development of social skills through collaborative work, sharing and taking turns.
  • Increased understanding of self and others.
Outcomes for Teachers:
  • Increased knowledge, skills and confidence in delivering quality physical activity.
  • Increased understanding of the importance of physical development in the overall development of a child.
  • Increased understanding of planning for physical and learning other curriculum areas through the physical.
  • Opportunity to develop own practice through observation of specialist and team teaching.
  • Development of new ideas and activities for indoor and outdoor physical learning.
  • Opportunity to observe and assess children during quality activity to identify attainment and future learning needs.
  • Ability to create enabling environments where physical activity can flourish.
  • Also available for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Primary children


       Safe, supported and included