
Raising awareness of diverse cultures and world music genres, Bollywood is a great tool to promote community cohesion.

Vibrant and energetic are at the very roots of Salsa offering everyone who chooses it, a fun energetic experience with strong cultural roots.

African Drum
Explosive sounds and exhilarating moves aimed at building awareness of the roots of Africa and strengthening the bonds between man and rhythm.

Bhangra Drum
This is often combined with Bollywood to create a very traditional workshop around Indian culture resulting in a wonderful window into ancient traditions.

It's A Knockout
Fresh air, fun and a whole range of hilarious activities for all ages and abilities. Fit it into a Celebration Day or create a mini Olympics.

Mixed Martial Arts
The four main components of martial arts covered throughout the program will be striking which is boxing, kickboxing or karate, and wrestling, along with some basic ju-jitsu. Each of these disciplines will develop such skills as decision -making, discipline, team work and focus. Developing confidence and raising self esteem, this package fits nicely into your Sport Fund criteria but can be delivered as a fun training day workshop too.

Working through bronze, silver and gold system of rewards, our Boxercise develops discipline and focus through active and inclusive sessions. From basic techniques to more advanced skills, this program fits your Sport Fund criteria perfectly but can also be designed as a training day workshop for fun




         Creating positive experiences