An eye opening and enjoyable experience that I will keep with me for life 3rd Feb 2015

Calm Minds, Calm Spaces; a broad and balanced menu of workshops designed to enable students to manage stress through a variety of holistic and sustainable strategies has offered up some excellent feedback from students at King Edwards VI Handswoth School:
"Extremely useful for relieving stress/anxiety - excellent techniques and tips which are manageable"
"I now know how to calm myself"
"It was amazing, insightful and very calming"
"Breathing activities will be useful when I am stressed, worried etc"
"It has made me realise how easy and important de-stressing is for my body and mind"
"The sessions have made me feel calmer and less anxious about the exams coming up"
"The handouts and leaflets from all of the session will be very useful if I have any exam or other tensions and stresses"
"It has opened my eyes to many different ways of tackling stress"
"I have left feeling more positive. The instructors were very good"
"Whenever I get angry/upset/stressed I will be able to let go of the negativity"
"It was eye-opening, enjoyable and relaxing, providing me with good tips"
Contact us to see how we can help your students by bringing a sense of calm and focus in preparation for exam time.