Widening Cultural Horizons 14th Oct 2013

"Widening Cultural Horizons"
"This is really good, I didn’t learn anything like this in university (and it is all useable) I have found a new way of thinking."
"It was a massive achievement to get all the students doing movement."
"A number of the ruff and tumble boys who don’t show interest in anything arty have shown great interest in the sessions" - Feedback from our Move Program which is currently exceeding staff expectations at The Radleys Primary School.
Move - an innovative program designed specifically to enhance the learning opportunities for physical development and active play in Early Years.
Supporting Physical as a Prime Area in the new EYFS, Move provides children with a wide and varied range of enjoyable movement experiences, developing skills, confidence, competence and self-esteem.
Move also emphasises the importance of learning through activity and thus the themed sessions have been designed to provide learning opportunities from other curriculum areas such as literacy, numeracy, communication, expressive art, understanding the world and enhances social skills.
For more information, contact Dev or Marcus on 0121 200 2876