Herriotts and Millward are pleased to announce a new training day for schools. 10th Oct 2012

Herriotts and Millward are pleased to announce a new training day for schools.

 Quiet Spaces offers colleagues a unique opportunity to find ways of helping not only themselves but also students in their care, to redress the balance. School days can be very demanding on everyone and levels of Well-being can be seriously challenged.

Quiet Spaces offers you a personal toolkit that can also be translated into activities for students in times of need. As part of their emotional development both colleagues and students will develop comprehensive strategies to manage their feelings and reduce levels of stress.

Quiet Spaces has been designed to reduce absence and episodes of confrontation by empowering colleagues with new ways to deal with stressful situations. Thus, students will be nurtured and safe, and schools will be calmer and happier places with enriched people.

Fur further information contact Devaney on 0121 200 2876 or email: enquiries@herriottsandmillward.co.uk




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